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04 November 2023

Calling all walkers and hikers

The council has received a couple of emails which may be of interest to local walkers.

Firstly, Jim Hall from Appleton writes in connection with Public Rights Of Way:

“I am a Volunteer Ranger with NYMNP and have "adopted" Cropton. If you have any PROW queries or requirements, please feel free to contact me.

I chose Cropton as it is a neighbouring Parish to my own, Appleton le Moors."

His email is: honeystone1@hotmail.co.uk


Secondly, Lara writes from an organisation called Slowways, described as:

“an ambitious crowd-sourced, community-verified national walking network that connects all of Britain’s towns, cities and national parks.

Citizens from across the country have already drafted 9,000 routes that stretch for over 130,000km (80,000 miles). Now these routes need checking on the ground to make sure they are good enough for people to follow”.

Anyone interested should go to https://beta.slowways.org/


Winter Salt Bin

The council has acquired a salt bin for use over the winter. It is situated on the grass area adjacent to the well on the High Street. Residents are welcome to use the salt to clear pavements during icy spells. If anyone requires assistance in accessing the salt then please do not hesitate to contact any councillor. Please take care.


Parish Work Parties

The parish will be organising several work parties to support the local community.

Activities are expected to enhance or tidy specific targeted areas of the village bridle ways and wild areas of foot path regularly used by residents. If you would like to support this activity or have any suggestions for future work parties please let the parish know by email to parishcouncilcropton@gmail.com or contacting the Clerk or other councillors directly.

Work parties will be held throughout each year lasting one to two hours to tidy areas such as the rear steps at the far end of Back lane and the footpath along the side the church to the gate at the Cropton Woodland Trust.

Further work parties will be listed to clear the village of Himalayan balsam and tidy any other areas needing action.

All would be welcome and if you able to bring loppers, rake, or pruning equipment along, with enthusiasm, it would be appreciated.

We hope to see you there.

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